Who is this workshop for?
All of us! Designers, architects, technicians, and anyone who lives this field, clients in stages of building or renovation, and people who are crazy about design. Anyone who feels their knowledge on this field is limited, preventing them from advancing, is invited to enjoy and learn, expand your knowledge, and benefit from professional,
practical in-depth information.
Workshop meetings
One evening meeting, 4 hours longs, including refreshments break.
You can also sign up for additional workshops, each of which focuses on a new project and its unique narrative.
Workshop lecturer
Liat Hamisha leads the workshop. Liat is an interior designer with rich experience in her field in a wide range of projects. She also holds teaching experience in her field. The workshop introduces you to the project’s main suppliers by letting you look into their world, and how they link to style, architecture, design, and the client.
למה דווקא כאן?
לשם שינוי לא רק ידע תיאורטי, אלא ניסיון מעשי ופרקטיקה, שאין שני לה. ה"תכלס" יוצג בסדנא בדמות פנקס הסודות של ליאת, והצגת המסקנות והניסיון המצטבר לאורך השנים בתחום. הניסיון המצטבר יועבר אליכם
בדמות כלים פרקטיים כגון: רשימת שאלות מומלצת ללקוח טרם יצור פרוגרמה, רשימת ספקים מומלצת מניסיון, תרשים זרימה של ביצוע
פרויקט, כללי "עשה" ו"אל תעשה" , ועוד שלל כלים. מתוך כל
אלה, נעביר אליכם את עיקרי הדברים החשובים באמת.
What’s so special about
this workshop?
You not only get to touch on theoretical materials, but get to enjoy the designer’s own rich and practical experience. The “real thing” is presented in this workshop in the form of Liat’s secret notebook, from which she shares ideas and conclusions accrued over years in the field. You learn practical tips such as: questions worth asking the client before setting up a program, lists of recommended suppliers, a flow chart for project implementation, essential dos and don’ts, and many other tools. These will form the basis of what we call “the truly important issues.”
Visit a select supplier from the project being presented.
I present various raw materials and discuss their use in the project, from cladding, covers, wood, glass, plastic, metal and aluminum, cement and iron. Learn about the significance of color in the space, preparing plans and specifications, pricing and budgeting a project, and preparing work plans for execution.
Understanding pricing, how pricing is structured, and take a look into the world of marketing and business structure.
Exploring the worlds of content is an inseparable part of our role.
Payment in advance on registration. 14 days after payment, no refund of any kind will be made. Moreover, no refund will be made 14 days or less prior to the workshop’s date. Workshops are conditioned on number of participants. Places are limited for up to 15 advance registrations.